Global Securities and Corporate Identifiers

Securities Identifiers

Securities identifiers are essential components of the global financial system. These codes are issued by various industry agencies and utilities, and enable the secure and efficient operation of the financial markets. They attest to the integrity of the security and its compliance with applicable regulations, and are used for various purposes, such as marking the instrument when transacting and settling trades, as well as for indexing in securities market databases. They are also known as securities reference codes.

Securities identification, particularly when it comes to clearing and settlement, is an essential element in the global economy. While the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is one of the most widely used codes, other countries have their own identifiers. In the United States, the most common identifier is the Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures (CUSIP). In the United Kingdom, the Stock Exchange Daily Official List (SEDOL) is the most common identifier.

At APPLY FOR ISIN, we understand the importance of global securities identification and are here to help you with your needs. Our team can assist you with the application and registration process for a range of securities identification numbers, including ISIN, CUSIP, and LEI. We provide the highest standards of accuracy and speed when it comes to reference data, allowing you to focus on the bigger picture.


An International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) is a 12-digit code used to identify securities such as stocks and bonds. It is an international standard utilized by many stock exchanges around the world for public listings and Initial Public Offerings (IPO). ISINs are essential for organisations to ensure the accurate and secure identification of securities globally.


A CUSIP is an alphanumeric code used to uniquely identify securities in the United States and Canada. It is a 9 character code, made up of numbers and letters, which is used to identify a particular stock or bond. Created by Standard & Poor’s in partnership with the American Bankers Association, CUSIP is the most widely-used securities identifier in the United States. It is a fundamental part of the securities issuance process, making it easier for investors to track and trade securities. CUSIP numbers are used in tracking financial transactions in the North American securities industry and are embedded in the financial system from the issuance of a security up until its redemption.

LEI – Legal Entity Identifier

An LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) and ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) code are similar in that they are both alphanumeric code used to identify a particular entity. However, they differ in length, with ISIN codes being 12 characters in length whereas LEIs are 20 characters in length. The primary purpose of the ISIN code is to identify the securities, such as stocks, bonds, and warrants, while the LEI is used to identify the company or entity itself. In other words, the ISIN is used to identify the securities at the securities level, while the LEI is used to identify the company or entity.


Financial Instrument Global Identifier (FIGI) is a 12-character code used to uniquely identify financial instruments within the Bloomberg LP global database. It is similar to the ISIN number but applicable to a wide variety of securities, including stocks, bonds, futures, derivatives, and options. Nearly 300 million FIGIs have been assigned since its inception and there is increasing industry-wide momentum for its adoption. FIGI allows for a streamlined approach to identifying and trading financial assets, and is an important tool for market participants.


The SEDOL (Stock Exchange Daily Official List) code is a 6-digit identifier used primarily in the United Kingdom to identify stocks and bonds issued in the country. It is the most popular method of identification used in the UK, alongside the ISIN code. The SEDOL code is widely recognized and accepted in the investment industry, and is used for trading, settlement, and reporting purposes. It is a unique code that is assigned to each financial instrument on the London Stock Exchange upon its listing. This code is also used to identify the issuer and the specific security, and is necessary for accurate processing of all transactions in the secondary market.

Valor or Valoraen Code

A VALOR number is an identifier used by companies in Switzerland, or those who are planning to list their shares on Swiss stock exchanges. This numeric identifier does not contain any encoded data, unlike ISINs or CUSIPs. VALOR numbers are used for Swiss-marketed financial securities, including shares, bonds, exchange-traded funds, and other investment instruments. They are used for the registration and the efficient transfer of the ownership of financial securities in the Switzerland.


A WKN, or Wertpapierkennnummer, is a six-letter code used mainly for companies or securities based in Germany or those listed on the German exchanges. Unlike an International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) or Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP), there are no omitted letters or check digits in the WKN code. This code simply serves as a unique identifier for a particular financial instrument.


APIR codes, or Asia Pacific Investment Register codes, are used primarily by Australian companies or securities wishing to list on an Australian exchange. The APIR is a nine-character alphanumeric code, similar to the ISIN, and is used in Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and, in some cases, the United States. This code is used as a unique identifier for securities to ensure accuracy when transferring information and to streamline the buying and selling process.


The National Securities Identifying Number (NSIN) is an alphanumeric code with 9 characters, used to identify fundable securities in the same way that the ISIN code identifies different classes or shares. In some cases, the NSIN may be used to identify an ISIN code number. Like the ISIN, the NSIN is a globally recognized standard and helps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of financial transactions by providing unique identifiers for all fundable securities.


A Market Identifier Code (MIC) is a 4-character alpha-numeric code that uniquely identifies any trading exchange, both regulated and unregulated. This code is shorter and simpler than other identifiers, such as the ISIN or LEI, which refer to the company and its securities. MIC codes are used to track trades that are executed and transacted around the world.


A RIC, or Reuters Instrument Code, is a type of identifier used by Reuters to identify financial instruments or indices. Unlike other identifiers such as an ISIN or CUSIP, RICs are primarily used for research purposes, rather than to identify securities. A RIC typically consists of a ticker, which is then followed by a ‘period’ and an exchange code based on the stock exchange in question.


The CFI codes are six characters, in alphabetical order, used to uniquely identify a financial instrument upon its issuance. The CFI code remains the same throughout the lifetime of the security, making it easier to organize and classify securities consistently. CFIs are essential for ensuring financial instruments are classified accurately.


The FISN (Financial Instrument Short Name) is a 15-character alphanumeric code that was created to provide securities with a standardized and efficient way to name and describe their financial instruments. In September 2014, the FISN standard was given the green light for use, allowing for securities to be assigned a FISN at the time of issue. This key has helped to streamline processes and improve the accuracy of security identification.


Sicovam is the acronym for the Société Interprofessionnelle pour la Compensation des Valeurs Mobilières, a French securities identifier used on French stock exchanges. It is a six-character code, similar in concept to the United Kingdom’s SEDOL code and the United States’ CUSIP code. A Sicovam can be converted into an ISIN, as well as a CUSIP and a SEDOL. This code is essential in order to properly track, purchase, and sell securities on the French stock exchange.

Uniform Symbology

Uniform Symbology is a six-character code designed to make trading stocks and securities across Europe easier and more consistent. This code contains a stock symbol, which is followed by a lower-case letter that indicates the stock exchange it is traded on. While these codes are mainly used in Europe, they don’t have the same level of international acceptance as ISINs do.

Ticker Symbols

Ticker symbols, also known as stock symbols or securities identifiers, are alphanumeric codes used to identify publicly traded securities listed on a stock exchange. These codes typically range from two to four characters and are used to uniquely identify individual stocks. Ticker symbols can contain both letters and numbers, and are used to easily locate and track stocks on exchanges all over the world.